Access the secret strategies that have helped 100+ accountants and bookkeepers to gain bigger and better clients, reduce their workload and finally embrace life. Now is the time for you to build the life you want… wherever you want!

Join the Academy!

Do you feel like you’re working and number crunching ALL the time?


I feel you. Trying to attract new clients, while also trying to keep the ones you already have. And don’t even get me started on trying to find good talent. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack!

And yet, here we are, working ourselves to the bone, all for a paycheck that barely pays the bills.

You badly want to switch off and be present with your loved ones BUT you’re scared that if you take a step back, even just for a little while, your firm will fall apart and everything you’ve worked for will be for nothing.

I understand that never-ending cycle of work, guilt, and stress. That’s exactly how I was before… Constantly busy with zero time for my family.

You see, none of these exams taught us how to run our own firm. So experiencing this without guidance can be lonely. This is why I’m here. I’ve been through all of this—but I’ve found a way to break free from this endless cycle.

I have a proven process to help accountants and bookkeepers build a highly successful business that does NOT need you to work silly hours!

Join this exclusive membership program where accountants and bookkeepers, just like you, can turn their firm into a rapidly growing business that runs itself (yes, even if you’re on a long family vacation).

Here’s what it looks like:

Monthly Webinars with Accountancy Practice Owners

Each webinar will have a specific topic (so it’s different every month) where you can learn step-by-step strategies to have your business working for you, not against you. This is a safe space for you to rock up and ask questions.

Monthly Q&A Sessions

Do you have any burning questions and dilemmas that keep you up at night? In addition to the monthly group coaching calls, you can join my “ask me anything” sessions and… well… ask me anything. Throw all your questions at me and I’ll help give you clarity. You won’t leave feeling unheard or confused.

Regular Guest Expert Webinars

What do you need when you’re struggling for new clients? Cutting-edge marketing strategies, of course. That’s why I’m inviting different marketing, sales and automation experts to spill their secret sauce in building a thriving and more efficient business.

Live Software Demos

Want to utilise the best and most up-to-date tech and software? You don’t have to do any guesswork. From time to time we’ll show you how to use new software for bookkeeping, invoicing, email marketing etc. so you can increase your productivity and efficiency.

Exclusive Discounts and Offers

I want nothing but the BEST for you, that’s why I’m partnering up with the likes of GoProposal, IT Backbone, StreemConnect, Syft and more to give you exclusive offers and discounts that’ll take your business to the next level.

Resource Vault

I’m giving you every single resource I’ve crafted to ensure your firm operates flawlessly - even when you’re out living your best life with your friends and family. Introducing the Resource Vault, filled with gems like my welcome email template, tax return checklist, PAYE calculator and more!

Official Verifiable CPD

We can’t forget this! In our program, you’ll be able to keep your accounting skills sharper than a pencil. With a range of verifiable CPD training to keep you up-to-date with your governing body, you’ll be able to enhance your reputation, open new business opportunities and make sure your work is the best it can be.

Access To Private Community

Connect with a community of like-minded accountants and bookkeepers! I know how lonely it can be as a business owner, but it doesn’t have to be. Once you’re in this, you’ll be able to ask questions, share ideas, gain accountability and have a lot more fun in the process!

FREE Ebook: How I Grew My Business Online by Jeri Williams

This comprehensive guide is a snapshot of some of the strategies I’ve used to maximize my online visibility, build my brand awareness, and increase my following—despite NEVER having had any official sales or marketing training.

More than 30 expert webinars and counting - at the click of a button!

Join the Academy today and master the art of...

Look forward to new content each and every month, that’ll help you to master LinkedIn, websites, SEO, YouTube, Instagram and Facebook, as well as improve your mindset, productivity, team-building skills and technical knowledge.

Join The Accountants Wealth Academy!

The Academy is exactly what I needed when I was just starting out, but what about my clients?

I know, I know. You’re probably wondering. Does the Academy actually work? Well, here’s a smidgen of the results that I’ve helped my clients to achieve, aside from breaking free from their desks…

  • Increased their turnover by ÂŁ50k (+22%) and profit by ÂŁ25k (+33%) since joining the academy.
  • Boosted sales by 150% in their 2nd year after just 6 months of being in the academy. Monthly sales are still rising!
  • Established a second practice locally and increased their team by 14, reducing their workload significantly.
  • Negotiated and convinced renewal clients to agree to higher pricing without any pushbacks (cha-ching!)
  • Streamline workflows, spend less time on admin tasks, and spend more time with their family by signing up to Pixie (with the Academy’s exclusive discount!)
  • Disengaged from horrible (and I mean HORRIBLE) clients.

My personal favourite is simply seeing them find work-life balance again—to become a happy CEO of their firms, have fun with fellow Academy members and enjoy life with their families. Priceless!

Hi, I'm Jeri

…and as well as being a Chartered Accountant, I’m the founder of the thriving accountancy practice, Smooth Accounting, and the Accountants Wealth Academy.

I set up the Academy because so many accountants and bookkeepers were making the very same mistakes I made when I started my business from scratch (in my cold, dingy garage).

I know all about the highs and lows of setting up your own business. I’ve been there myself and turned my one-person operation into a successful enterprise that can operate without me.

You might think I’ve only achieved all that because I’m a workaholic who values work above everything else but you’d be wrong!

I left employment because I wanted the flexibility to do things on my own terms. I have two sons, James and Teddy, and I wanted to be able to work around them and their needs.

I wanted to be able to watch sports days and take as much time off in the summer as I wanted.

…and that’s exactly what I do!

Now we live in Dubai and that’s 100% down to the fact that I’ve built a business that can run perfectly without me. Now, it’s your turn! Where’s your next destination going to be? I have a sneaky feeling I know the answer…

Next Stop… The Academy!

Still unsure if the academy is your cup of tea?

No worries, I wouldn’t jump in without adding everything up first either. But before you make up your mind, take a look at this list I wrote to help you decide.

The Accountants Wealth Academy is for you if you’re…

  • Tired of feeling like a headless chicken working IN your business instead of ON it
  • Struggling to get new high-paying clients that value your expertise, never question the fees, pay on time and are just decent people, in general.
  • Constantly worrying about wasting money on terrible hires and existing staff who aren’t performing well
  • Excited to spend more quality time with your loved ones and schedule vacations without having to worry about your business.
  • Ready to learn how to run an accounting firm that runs itself and grows rapidly with better systems and a talented team.

Does this resonate with you at all? If not, feel free to close this tab and return to your Netflix series.

But if it does resonate with you, you should definitely…

Join the Academy!

Get unmissable discounts from exclusive partners when you join the Accountants Wealth Academy

Did you know that the value of the discounts and offers within the Academy add up to more than the cost of joining? We’re not kidding. Become a member today and take advantage of these unmissable deals…

That’s more than £2,000 in savings over the year, for just £149+VAT per month!

Make the most of these unmissable offers and must-haves for any accountant. Seriously? What are you waiting for?!

Join the Academy for just ÂŁ149+VAT p/month

Frequently Asked Questions

Join the Accountants Wealth Academy. We’ll Help You Achieve Work-Life Balance While Growing Your Firm


I’ll make this simple for you. If after 30 days, you’ve attended 3 of the live sessions, and you still want to cancel your membership, I will personally offer you a FULL refund. No questions asked.


More money, less work, a sustainable business…

Yes, you can achieve a better work-life balance while running a successful accountancy or bookkeeping practice.

Are you ready to see where this can take you?

Join the Academy